© 2009-2025 North Coast Fossil Club
The North Coast Fossil Club and individual contributors
reserve the rights to all information, images, and content presented here on this website.
Field Trip Incentive Program: Any member who comes up with a new collecting site and leads a trip there will be rewarded with a free North Coast Fossil Club membership for one year.
A very special family event for NCFC members that will include a raffle for prizes,
a fossil display competition with prizes awarded,
and a delicious "members only & members' guests" potluck buffet meal.
You really don't want to miss this fun event!
Annual Awards Banquet
Saturday, January 18, 2025 at the
Ridgewood United Methodist Church
Located at
Click on the address above to see a map
9:30-11:00 AM Fossil Display Setup
11:00 AM Meeting
11:15 Voting followed by the Banquet
12 Noon Raffle followed by the Award Presentations
Memberships are only $12 for an individual and $17.00 for a family. If you did not already pay your dues for 2025, please mail a check made payable to "North Coast Fossil Club". Our new mailing address is Craig Tipton, 304 Meadow Oaks Trail, Medina, Ohio 44256.